I suspect we shall here more things like this in the future. Now that the internet is happening and mass communication is cheap. All future leavers of the cult should get as many email addresses they can for their grand finale exit if it ever happens and you want people to know why.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
JW Elder quits & sends 900 emails
by snare&racket inan elder in quebec, has just quit as a jw.
he did so by emailing nearly a thousand jw’s with the explanation for why he and his family are quitting.. i have spoke to him quite a bit, interesting guy.
he’s quite the loss to wt, he’s an elder with a serious career in chemistry, a professor no less.. catch his story here, apologies if this has already been posted;.
The "Whole World" was flooded??
by stuckinarut2 inso, jehovah's witnesses and many other biblical literalists think that the "whole world" was flooded during noahs day.. they take the "accounts" in genesis literally.
so that means that areas as far away as australia, russia, argentina, greenland, antarctica were all visited by noah and his family to gather animals and preach before it happened right??
they then took everything back to the middle east to board the ark...uh huh.... yet, the same expression in the bible for the "whole world" is also used in the account about the "worldwide famine" in josephs day!
Brokeback Watchtower
JWs and other bible literalist interpret the Genesis flood account as literally covering the whole earth as we know it in the 20th century. Which is simply not the case when it was written. Back in those days they didn't know the earth was a sphere orbiting around the sun. So when in Genesis it says that the waters covered all the earth even the highest mountains it simply meant as far as the eye could see the flood waters covered it. They weren't talking about mount Everest, and the entire globe of the earth covered in water. Everything was far more local and mode of travel was very slow so people didn't go traveling a lot in those days just your local trade routes and such with no maps and no cameras to take pictures to show people back home what other places looked like their was a lot of ignorance about things we take for granted today..
Will The Governing Body's Shunning Policy Backfire On Them Eventually?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwe all can agree that the disfellowshipping arrangement benefits the wt corporation by keeping the indoctrinated in servitude, make members afraid to doubt the corporation's teachings and explanations because they can be disfellowshipped for saying anything negative about the corporation or it's ceos or not agreeing with some new light.. but what about negative effects caused by the harsh use of disfellowshipping to the corporation, what could they be?
it's a two edged sword..
Brokeback Watchtower
I guess that could be a response of a seriously indoctrinated person that managed to climb the corporate ladder all the way to the top position by his loyalty to corporate themes and willingness to take insane drastic action to fight sin where ever he finds it. Might classify as a psychosis brought on by delusions of grandour, being out of touch with reality and focusing on what his imaginary Jehoova find disgusting.
These concepts of the GB can lead to all sorts of screwy behavior, where even the sight of some handsome male Jehovah Witness wearing tight pants brings about a lusting and a shadow projection of a gay community plot in the fashion industry to get more eye candy. These guys are all spoon fed indoctrinated members expect their nuttiness to become even more pronounced. When all you got is a hammer to work with everything looks like a nail.
Disfellowshipping is the hammer, they have no healing tools in their bag of tricks so every things just looks like a nail.
Relative rates of mental illness
by Doug Mason ina report produced 50 years ago by a psychiatrist at a west australian mental health facility ("asylum"l reported that the mental illness rate among jws was 3 times the norm of society.
other similar studies at the time concluded the rate was much higher.. i wrote to the psychiatrist at the time, asking whether the wts attracted people who were already susceptible to mental illness or if the situation was created after the person became a jw.
he responded that they did not know.. being myopically focused on the wts at the time, but more importantly belonging to an alternative eschatological apocalyptic body at the time, i did not think more broadly.. i think that today i would like to know:.
Brokeback Watchtower
Bad coping skills for sure. Belief in a cure all for every form of human suffering that's never gonna happen based on wishful and magical thinking and a host of cherry picked factoids causes one to operate with a not full deck.
You know subjecting a bunch of people to corporation slavery though the use of guilt and fear propaganda got weaken the human psyche to make it more prone toward mental illness or improper functioning. Bull shit in means bull shit out. Feeding one's mind on WT propaganda can actually make one shadow a living nightmare, cause one to really lose tract of himself and only identify with his persona, and dump a ton load of shit into his shadow causing more and more mental problems as one gets older in years.
These people are feeding on what ever utter bull shit the Governing Body and their helpers can dream up. That pure unadulterated bull shit in and so when it's decision time and what these people do will all be governed by the bull shit they took in and expecting Jehooper's help and not get any, they will suffer lots of disappointments which they will be in denial of while repeating corporate slogan's about loyalty and obedience to a murdering Jehovah and his earthly organization.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out Of Restaurant For Supporting Trump
by minimus ini think it’s ridiculous to kick people and families out of a restaurant because of politics.
Brokeback Watchtower
Yes I think such actions are ridiculous and the person needs to get a life and stop taking this political stuff so seriously I say debate to your heart content but don't consider people your enemy because of political beleifs. Being such an extremist is never good no matter what party get's your vote.
Will The Governing Body's Shunning Policy Backfire On Them Eventually?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwe all can agree that the disfellowshipping arrangement benefits the wt corporation by keeping the indoctrinated in servitude, make members afraid to doubt the corporation's teachings and explanations because they can be disfellowshipped for saying anything negative about the corporation or it's ceos or not agreeing with some new light.. but what about negative effects caused by the harsh use of disfellowshipping to the corporation, what could they be?
it's a two edged sword..
Brokeback Watchtower
In my case and I'm sure in many other cases, is the fact that after I found out that the Watchtower corporation was a fraud, and that I would be disfellowshipped for telling my relatives inside the Organization about the fraud, is what made me a sworn enemy of the Watchtower Corporation and it's Governing Body. Don't ever under estimate the power of intention!
If on the other hand I could leave the WT corporation and not be shunned and still had contact with relatives inside the organization I would be move kinder to the WT and GB with my intention and just consider them delusional and go about my merry way, but because they have inflicted this cruel blow my to me and my family and friends they have me as enemy and my power of intention which can be multiplied by the thousands and is ever increasing as news about WT's lies and cover ups become wide spread and easily available. A vast collective intention made united by the internet is forming.
Also the making of sworn enemies by the cruel practice of Disfellowshipping to keep the rank & file hostage to their lies and deceptions, causes righteous indignation which can boil over in so many ways to put a serious hurt on this Corporation of lies and deceit.
This evil practice puts the corporation in the sights of many a hater for some type of revenge or justice and when that intention is multiplied by an ever growing crowd of intense haters,, the psychic effect of this type of collective intention can be devastating. Synchronicities start to happen and other psychic phenomena.
Will The Governing Body's Shunning Policy Backfire On Them Eventually?
by Brokeback Watchtower inwe all can agree that the disfellowshipping arrangement benefits the wt corporation by keeping the indoctrinated in servitude, make members afraid to doubt the corporation's teachings and explanations because they can be disfellowshipped for saying anything negative about the corporation or it's ceos or not agreeing with some new light.. but what about negative effects caused by the harsh use of disfellowshipping to the corporation, what could they be?
it's a two edged sword..
Brokeback Watchtower
Very true. They are a cruel printing corporation that separate family and friends to keep their fraudulent claims bringing in the money. I'm sure these pissed people will go the distance to bring this fraud to an end including crashing carts and meetings. Like a lid that is getting ready to blow off.
I see this whole child molesting matter as really the main thing and how they handle it judicially as carrying the most karmic debt.
Their own mistreatment of others that runs into the millions of people,, gotta bring some heavy negative karmic debts that gets partially paid off during their life time ouch!!. That what I'm thinking because it might take a hundred future lives till complete payment is made. I wonder what happens to a GB when they die, do they hover around Watchtower headquarters, and choose to incarnate through some brain dead member's womb in one of the Kingdom Hall he haunts?
News From Inside The Tower
by Brokeback Watchtower inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw8jb87bq_c.
Brokeback Watchtower
Anyone have a summary of the video for those of us not in a position to watch it right now?
It is just an awake person who is still a member meeting others who are in the same position attending meeting but fully awake and aware of all the cover ups.
News From Inside The Tower
by Brokeback Watchtower inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw8jb87bq_c.
Brokeback Watchtower
I would say that, 2015 Herd announced serious cut back and a halt to most construction projects, was in reaction to a plummet in contributions they may have picked up momentum a few years before, but because the Governing Body is really stuck in their delusions about the Organization being the earthly branch of God's Universal organization they responded way too late because they were hoping for a miraculous bailout from Jehober, and because their denial is so great negative facts take a very long time to sink in, which is leading them in a relentless march toward a nightmare stage of wishful thinking.
So I would guess somewhere around 2001 with Dateline, Panorama, and other publicized child molestation problems inside the Watchtower that many started to wake up and around 2010 the cash flow in contribution started to nose dive, because many members were waking up and stop contributing anything.
In my case for years before I finally learned TTATT I stopped contributing. So I think because they DF people stop believing,, that many who are attending meetings are no longer believers and do not give any contributions, and account servants who are awake are skimming some off the top.
I Ain't Got No Religion No More ... (But I Like to Get Myself Some Gospel Music)
by Simon ini love gospel music.
i don't feel like i need to believe in "jebus" to appreciate the music.
i can't go into a gospel church because i might just get religion again - that or i'll be grabbing the mic on be on the stage waving my hands and praising the lord.. i particularly like dylan's gospel period.